Welcome! (The Linkedin Introduction)
As a 5'9" bipedal ape descendant with a penchant for all things geeky, I have long been drawn to the realm of technology and innovation. Since my early years, I have eagerly explored nerd culture, immersing myself in collectible card games, Dungeons & Dragons, and even the occasional weekend spent watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
My affinity for innovation led me to Michigan Technological University, where I pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Theater. My passion for science fiction and fantasy found a home in the Permanent Floating Riot Club, and my theatrical side flourished in various productions. My academic excellence was recognized through my membership in the Epsilon Pi Tau Honors Society, and my creative side thrived in the Daily Bull.
Upon completing my bachelor's degree, I delved into the world of technology and engineering, working in roles ranging from Reliability Engineering Intern at Gerdau (steel manufacturing) to Maintenance Supervisor for the Pearson Candy Company. My diverse work experiences have enabled me to sharpen my skills in project management, communication, and technical expertise.
Throughout my career, I have volunteered my time and knowledge. As a Mentor for FIRST Robotics Competition, I helped guide high school students through their tech-driven projects. Currently, I dedicate my time and efforts to the CONvergence Convention, where I manage teams and facilitate communication for over 7,000 attendees.
When I'm not busy with work or studies, you can find me exploring the latest innovations in technology, experimenting with code, or building my own gadgets. My journey to a seasoned professional has been incredible, and I eagerly look forward to continuing this journey and discovering new frontiers of possibility in both my professional and personal life.
Short Talk: MWAIS - Minneapolis, MN, 2023
In my academic career I have been afforded some incredible opportunities.
Most recently, with the help of an amazing woman, Dr. Queen Booker, I was able to present some research that I had conducted in my spare time in my final semester of grad school at the Midwest Association for Information Systems(MWAIS). These are my slides from the presentation.
I am grateful to the selection committee and my collogues for their time, their feedback, and their encouragement.
Research Paper: MAM - Minneapolis, MN, 2014
In my undergraduate studies at Michigan Tech I was able to work with one of my professors, Dr. David Wanless, to author an examination of lean philosophies and their intersection of quality of work life. This was my first foray into the world of academia and I found the entire process of knowledge generation/creation/discovery to be fascinating and exciting.
I am thankful to Dr. Wanless and Michigan Tech for the opportunity to research, present and expand my knowledge base beyond what was being taught in the classroom.